Recently I moved up to Salt Lake City. This is the first
summer I’ve spent in Utah since the summer after my high school graduation. It’s
awesome not having to uproot and go somewhere new. Last summer I got to live in
AZ. Which some of you might be thinking “Arizona? That’s such a great place, I’m
sure jealous!” I’m here to tell you that you’re right. Late September thru May,
you’re absolutely right. The summers are way too hot. Unless you are literally
in the pool, it’s too hot to do just about anything outdoors except between the
hours of midnight at 6am. But I digress.
Arizona is a great place to live and there are a lot
of interesting things to do and see there. If you’ve ever been to Arizona you
know that they have decided to use cameras as policemen at intersections and on
the freeway. Utah is not this way. For that reason alone, Utah is superior.
In Arizona, anyone crossing an intersection when the light is red, will be caught. There is no
grace period.
Driving a car is cool, you can literally break the law every
single day and not even feel guilty. Just be careful, because it doesn’t carry over into other
aspects of life. Cops might give warnings for 5 over, or running a red light, but you
can't just kill someone a little bit, or just barely steal. So don’t do that.