A friend of mine told me this story the other day and I had to share. Don't worry, she said it's ok.
"One time I was gonna run a race but then the kid in front of me turned around and called me 'messy face' and so I cried and didn't run the race. And the worst part was, my face wasn't even messy!" This was out of the blue, so random, and hilarious. I guess you shouldn't call her messy face. Might ruin her week.
We're all grown up. Yet every single one of us has done something, or reacted to a situation because of a childhood experience. And not just any experience, a childhood "trauma."
You've heard them from your friends. Here's a couple of my favorites.
Next, I was in 6th grade. I wrote a love note to a girl. The teacher intercepted it. Crap. Read it out loud. Double Crap. I couldn't believe it. She was my first "girlfriend." The note was saying that I thought she was pretty and I wanted to go play with her after school that day. Wanna know who my second girlfriend was?...I'll tell you when I get one. haha.
We've all had that moment when you were so embarrassed because your little brother beat you across the monkey bars, or that time when your dad spanked you in front of your best friend. Or maybe it was when you were too cool to get a kiss from mom anymore and she did it at your birthday party...in front of EVERYONE!
The best part about these are now, we get to tell the stories. And they are definitely get way better and more elaborate with time. Next time I tell the story about my shorts, it will probably include someone making a poster of me naked and putting it up around school. So enjoy your 'traumas' and keep telling them. By the end you'll be going uphill both ways in the snow in every story you tell anyways.
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